How to Open a Children’s Hotel?

The modern rhythm of life is completely different from what it used to be. And today millions of parents around the world are experiencing certain difficulties during regular trips and business trips. They simply do not know with whom to leave their child for the period of their absence at home. Some leave their children under the care of relatives or friends. In this case, they are sure of the safety of their children. Children will be fed; they will give you food and sleep. But, unfortunately, it is far from always possible to enlist the support of friends and relatives in the matter of looking after the child. After all, such questions often have to be solved spontaneously. To solve the problems of looking after children during the departure of their parents, children’s hotels were invented. Such establishments are widespread in the resort areas (especially in the West). To parents during the rest could not worry about their children, and could fully enjoy the rest. But after all, such hotels would be very useful in any large and small cities. Because almost every family sooner or later faces an important question – “with whom to leave the child at the time of departure?” There is a need. Let’s try to find ways to satisfy it.

What is a children’s hotel and how does it work?

In order to realize this idea of business, it is important to understand what a children’s hotel is and how it works. Let’s understand.

A similar institution is a mixture of an ordinary kindergarten and a classical hotel. Only all rooms are decorated in the best traditions of children’s rooms. An obligatory condition is the availability of own kitchen and dining room. After all, children need to be fed and watered. Unlike adults who can get to the nearest café on their own. By the time the child’s stay in such a hotel can reach from one day to several weeks. The hotel should have its own medical staff, in case of unforeseen circumstances. It is desirable to have your own bus for excursions with children. The scheme of work is extremely simple.

In the children’s hotel, a young married couple is asking to look after their five-year-old child. Choose a number to taste. Specify the details. Make out all the necessary papers. They pay for the stay of their child in the hotel. And they leave their baby to the guardianship of the hotel staff. At this time, they calmly go on a trip. Upon their return, they take their child from the hotel and the happy ones go home. So, in short, the hotel works for children. Now let’s move on to the organization of such an institution.

The room. How should it be?

Like any other kind of hotel business, a children’s hotel starts with finding the right accommodation. First, it must be attractive externally. After all, your customers, first of all, children. So, an extra fantasy here does not hurt. It is important to creatively approach both the issue of exterior design and the issue of interior design. Internal design should be given special attention. And not only the numbers where children will be accommodated, but also the rest of the rooms.

By the way, about the numbers. Here it is possible in many ways. For older children, it is possible to equip separate rooms for 1, 2, 4 people. But more small guests are best placed in the common room. By analogy with kindergartens. And they will be more fun, and it will be easier for you to look after them.

The size of the building does not have any limits and limitations. Everything depends on your capabilities and the number of potential customers. Remember that you should always have several numbers for the most urgent cases.

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The staff of the children’s hotel. Who are the key figures?

Among the employees, the key place is occupied by the nannies, who also take care of the children of the hotel guests. It is these people that ultimately determine the success of your business. Children are much better than adults who understand unfamiliar people. They understand well what kind of person is in front of them. And if the nanny will hide her natural nature behind her artificial smile, the child will split her true character into two counts. And I hardly want to be alone with this nanny. The ideal option, in this case, will be former employees of kindergartens and teachers of lower grades. Today, when job cuts are observed everywhere, unemployed educators and teachers are quite numerous. And among them, there are very good professionals. Your task – through detailed interviews to find and hire the best of them.

The tasks of a nanny (or caregiver) include the following duties:

  • Childcare – feeding, bedding, watching the physical and emotional state of children. Maintaining discipline, if we say in simple words.
  • Sending to school, to mugs or even some other activities that the child attends in the ordinary life. That is, your task is not just to look after children, but also not to break their habitual rhythm of life. They should not just sit in prison at your hotel and humbly wait for their parents.
  • Conducting all sorts of activities – drawing, reading, singing, etc.
  • Organization of various excursions and hikes. It is especially important to organize such activities during the holidays when the children have plenty of time. And this time needs something to occupy.

The next important figure in the staff of the children’s hotel is a psychologist. It is with this person that parents should communicate before leaving their child on departure. After all, children are different. You should know everything about your potential lodger. It is possible that, for various reasons, some children are not suitable for accommodation with you.

Drivers who will carry your guests on excursions. It should be experienced drivers, behind which is not one year of driving passenger transport.

Protection in your hotel will not be superfluous either. After all, the safety of children is above all. You must show your parents that in their hotel their children will be reliably protected from any dangers.

And at last a few important moments

Be sure to decide, from what age and at what age children will be accepted for placement in your children’s hotel. Naturally, the more coverage the audience has, the more customers you will have. That’s just to cope with too small and, conversely, too old children are much harder and more expensive. Remember this.

Keep Reading:

The next important thing is to conduct meaningful conversations with your parents. You have to find out everything about the future guest. This will help to find a common language with him and create the most suitable conditions for temporary residence. Try to give your customers maximum positive emotions, and then, your children’s hotel is sure to have a dizzying success and thousands of thanks from the happy parents. Good luck!

Children's Hotel, hotel business, important moments, time of departure

About Madani

The author is an expert on occupational training and a prolific writer who writes extensively on Business, technology, and education. He can be contacted for professional advice in matters related with occupation and training on his blog Communal Business and Your Business Magazine.
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